

Why teams?

Teams are a core part of Jengana’s activity.

The main purpose of our teams is raise awareness of Jengana’s work by bringing those interested, in person, to see the projects for themselves.

This then allows people of varying ages and backgrounds to experience first-hand life in a developing country, and to raise awareness of the poverty in which so many are living.

To show God’s love in a practical way, providing help and encouragement to some of the individuals and groups that Jengana partners with.

To become involved in the necessary fundraising which is vital if the work is to continue and develop.

What do they do?

Our teams spend about two weeks of July in Kenya, where they visit all the projects supported by Jengana, give encouragement and get involved in the varied activities.

These include:

We usually bring two teams each summer, a youth team and an adult team. Many people who have come over the past ten years have said it was a life changing experience, a time when bonds were formed which have lasted long beyond the initial trip. Many have stayed in contact and are eager to hear the updates on the work in Kenya, some even returning more than once to see how the work is developing and to revisit the friends they made. It is so encouraging for us to see the Jengana family grow and develop.

Would you be interested in giving two weeks of your time to use your talents and interests to help make a difference in the lives of others? Our team members often return from Kenya with an awareness that their experience during their trip, whilst benefiting those they met, actually made a greater impact on their own lives.

If you are interested in joining a team please click here and we will contact you when we are next recruiting a team. Due to the current pandemic, we are not in a position to know when this will be.

Contact Us

If you would like any more information on the work of Jengana, to ask any questions, or to get involved, we would love to hear from you.

Contact Us